When building your video game with Cocos Creator, you can build all of your 3rd party SDKs and API calls yourself, but this can take time, money, and a lot of your team's energy. We’ve talked a bit about how to build custom extensions or picking up extensions from our Cocos Store that can be used many times for many games to help support your work.
But there are a few extensions that we have taken great care to make an integral part of the engine thanks to the help of excellent 3rd party developers that want to bring unique tools that help companies make money, analyze players, add security to their games, and more.
These services were built to be plug-and-play, making their use available with just a mouse click. Our team has also worked hard with these companies to make sure each service is as compatible with Cocos Creator as possible, making them streamlined, with a low cost on performance compared to other extensions available.
If you would like to see any of these extensions, please visit the Service window in Cocos Creator or go to Panel -> Service to view these services.
With all of this said, you may only need a few or none of these services, but we wanted to share more information to help you know the details of each service and whatever it’s something you want for the games you are making. Here is a detailed explanation of these extensions, what they do, and the companies that built them.
Cocos Analytics

Since 2016, the Cocos internal team has begun to build a data statistics service platform for our team's game projects. Cocos Analytics gradually opened to external developers after the stability and ease of use were optimized and improved. In 2019, we carried out architecture transformation and data migration, using cloud services and big data framework services to support our service upgrade.
The service includes various data display reports: user analysis, retention analysis, channel tracking, and more. Cocos Analytics also provides developers a chance to build custom event functions. Developers can design and define their own flexible expansion. You can upload the report content of the required data points through the custom event service interface and visually display the information results in a funnel with the event details in the interface.
Cocos Analytics is completely free. But does require some knowledge of Chinese to understand and implement. Future languages are in the works. You can learn more from our documentation: https://n-analytics.cocos.com/docs/
Cocos SDKHub

Adding monetization SDKs to your game is very important to those looking not to add in-app purchases or advertisements to their game. With so many different monetization platforms available currently, understanding how to implement their software in your game or even building multiple versions of your app using multiple monetization companies can be a real pain for developers.
We understand this and have built Cocos SDKHub, an SDK you call on that will handle the calls and requests you would have to program for without needing to change any of your code, including account information, IAP, Advertising push, and more. SDKHub supports many monetization companies and can be set up by adding the SDK to your project and registering the app on our service website. You can learn more from https://service.cocos.com/
Huawei HMS Core

If you want to fully achieve some fantastic features that are only available for Huawei devices with your game, you’ll need to add Huawei HMS Core. Like Google mobile services, you will give a more exclusive Huawei experience and stability in your coding for essential features in your product.
With over 50 options, including ads, analytics, IAP, accounts, and more, you’re given the support that many developers require to make great games better. You can learn more about HMS Core from Huawei’s developer website. https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/overview/HMS-Core-Plugin
Huawei AppGallery Connect

There are many great app stores to place your mobile game in, and we support exports to Android and iOS. But for some, adding your game directly to their stores might not be enough, and you will want to share it with the many other 3rd party stores. Though we can’t support every store directly, thanks to the work of Huawei, their app store, AppGallery Connect, can be configured within Cocos Creator, allowing you to upload your apps directly to the AppGallery Connect store.
All developers need to do to make this happen is have a developer account with AppGallery Connect and prepare their app store page, have Cocos Creator configure some information, and then upload, ready for review and release in 3-5 working days. More information in Cocos Creator Documentation. https://docs.cocos.com/creator/3.3/manual/en/editor/publish/publish-huawei-agc.html

TopOn is a leading mobile advertising aggregation management platform that is lightweight, open-source, and includes many types of advertising. Their product allows from many different types of advertising, including waterfall advertising, Header bidding, segment traffic grouping, A/B testing, cross-promotion, API management, and more, to help developers develop The rapid implementation of refined operation strategies so that every advertisement opportunity is filled with the most value, and the top advertisements can realize high profits.
TopOn also comes with analytics on overall revenue overview, key data display, user duration, advertising display frequency, DEU, LTV, retention, and other key data indicators are all available to build improved models for future strategies.
Developers can log in to the TopOn platform to accurately compare with the API data provided by each advertising platform. In addition, the funnel analysis report helps developers quickly locate advertising revenue fluctuation factors, quickly adjusting advertising monetization strategies.
More information in Cocos Creator Documentation.

TradPlus aggregate advertising platform integrates 40+ Chinese and Western mainstream advertising platforms and is committed to providing developers with convenient, professional, and efficient advertising monetization services. It supports functions such as automatic optimization, bidding, user-level data reporting, cross-promotion and provides a complete advertising funnel model to help developers see the entire process of advertising monetization and accurately optimize each link of advertising monetization.
If you do not have an account of the TradPlus aggregation advertising platform, you can register an account with TradPlus and follow the configuration according to the guide provided to obtain the App ID and other parameters required by the service panel. https://service.cocos.com/document/en/tradplusad.html
Netease Yidun

Cheating is incredibly problematic for multiplayer games, making the experience much harder to enjoy. Netease has been able to help us with Yidun, their Easy Shield software. The Yidun engine protection has several encryption types making it harder for players to break your game. As long as all resources are loaded through the engine, they can be encrypted for protection. It currently supports Android and iOS platforms.
In addition to resource encryption, the software can also moderate text, images, videos, and audio shared in your games that are found to be illegal or inappropriate items.
Easy Shield also provides technical support for Cocos developers who use the service plug-ins 24/7, providing WeChat groups, enterprise WeChat groups, QQ groups, official website work orders, and other communication and feedback channels to answer questions for developers at any time. You can try for free, with paid services available.
More information in Cocos Creator Documentation. https://service.cocos.com/document/en/neteaseyidun.html

Vungle (a member of Liftoff), is an advertising technology platform driven that provides developers with more convenient commercialization services.
Based on the reliable traffic of Vungle SDK, developers can optimize their monetization strategy, ensure the best user experience, and achieve stable revenue growth targets without additional investment from developers. At the same time, in the face of the continuous development and progress of the industry, Vungle's advertising model categories are also more diversified. The supported advertising formats include full-screen advertising and non-full-screen advertising.
Developers can access Vungle for free through Cocos Service to enable commercialization and upgrade of games and realize " one-click start, traffic monetization."