Download Cocos Creator 3.1.1 now via the Cocos Dashboard.
There isn’t much to say with this update other than this is a smaller update before we release 3.2 later this summer. We’re excited that we have been going into overdrive in our updates, as well as welcoming many new members to our development team, helping us keep up with our development speed.
With 3.1.1, we have a few improvements to share with you, but most of this update is bug fixes. If you would love to read those and the rest of the developer’s notes, please check them out at our forums.
Creating Empty Prefab Resources
You can now build empty prefabs into the engine. Previously, you would have to prepare a tree of nodes and assets that you would drag to the Assets panel to build a prefab. You can now start empty and build within the Assets panel.

Locking Node Trees
If you’ve finalized parts of your project and don’t want people editing it, you can now lock it up. Highlight the node tree, hold ALT or Option key, and click on the node tree. You will see a lock on the tree, showing it can’t be edited. You can also unlock with the same actions.