We really had a lot of fun this year sharing some great tutorials for the year. The team had fun making them too. So we had to compile the rest of the tutorials together and give you a great list and a surprise one bonus list too.

If you missed our last list, you can check it out here. But here is the final list of tutorials for 2020 and hoping to improve and add more for 2021!
Video Tutorials
Introduction To Cocos Creator 3.0
How to bring your game to China
Text Tutorials

TypeScript resources for beginners

Build your own custom plug-ins for Cocos Creator

Building page-turning visuals with ease

Build your own Happy Glass physics

Creating a custom vertex format that allows custom rendering

Editing the coloring of enemies by changing the HSL to RGB

Improving the performance of Cocos Creator by decreasing DrawCall

Adding a texture to your lines

Adding a flashlight or searchlight effect in your game
Bonus! Chinese Tutorials as well!
These tutorials were built by our Chinese team or game developers in China. We didn't have the chance to translate all of them, but some awesome ones did come up in our WeChat account

Create lipsyncing with just an audio file using this plug-in

Improving asset management for large scale games using Cocos Creator

Highly editable Chinese character editor for Cocos Creator
Multi-language support with ESlint and Cocos Creator

Grid and circular spacing for multiple objects plug-in

SuperSu Racoon shares his research on LoS-2D vision, light and shadow
Cocos Creator 2D lighting detailed explanation

Optimizing memory resources with Cocos Creator

Creating flame effects with Cocos Creator 3.0

Cocos best practices: avoiding JavaScript compatibility issues

A quick look at building shaders for Cocos Creator 3.0

Building Fog with Cocos Creator 3.0

Making two types of animation dynamic masks

Behaviour Dog helps you build custom AI

Improving your UI techniques with long time Cocos developer

An introduction to building music-based games

Modifying your UIWebView to WKWebView for Apple compliance