Download Cocos Creator 3.6.2 with Cocos Dashboard
We’ve had many milestones this year with Cocos Creator, including adding Nintendo Switch support, Marionette, Swappy, and XR to the engine. Our last big challenge this year was adding WebGPU to the engine.
With Cocos Creator 3.6.2, we are happy to add a beta version of the technology into the engine in hopes of getting some feedback from developers as we finalize it for a future release next year. This said, we also have some fantastic additions and bug fixes that will help those working already in 3.6 that we need to get out there to help the vast majority of our users.
We want to thank the community again for their work in finding these issues and those who helped us solve them. Our main priority for Cocos Creator is stability, and you continue to enable us to improve on that.
To learn more about 3.6.2, read our developer notes at our forums.
Major Update
Improved compatibility of Spine and DragonBones on native platforms
This has been a major item as we have had a few developers asking us to help improve the running time of these 2D animation programs. With this update, you’ll see some pretty significant speed improvements.

Experimental Update
WebGPU support
Currently, WebGPU works with a few number of web browsers. The most notable ones that work are Chromium 105 – based browsers. To use it, export your project to “Web-Desktop.” This is the only currently available option, with more to follow in the future. Please share any issues you have, and you can review known issues from our developer notes.