Cocos2d-x v4.0 Is Here!
2019.12.03 by COCOS
Version Updates Cocos2d-x

After a year of work, it's here! Download Cocos2d-x v4.0 here:

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MD5: 2b85309a729ddcdc3ac95b6985d25b83

We promised ourselves to have v4.0 ready before the end of the year as we knew the massive update we shared a few months ago needs a few tweaks before 2020 comes along. We’re thrilled with the response we got on social media, as it was one of our most popular tweets for the month! We’d like to share with you some of the bigger updates for the official launch of v4.0 from the RC.

For the full developer notes, please view from our forum:

Issues with fonts in Catalina

Apple released its new macOS named Catalina just a few months ago, and many are still working out some of the features and other new updates to it and iOS 13 in October.

One issue we found was system fonts on Catalina weren't looking right when developing on it. So we have to thank one dev in the community for finding the problem for us. This issue is now resolved in our update.

MPMoviePlayer Controller and iOS 13

One of the problems with iOS 13 is how you can interact with MPMoviePlayer. Sadly this won’t work with iOS 13, and so we have changed video play to AVPlayerController from now on as this is the new requirement when playing videos.

Changing to UIWebVew from WebView on iOS 13

We had a few developers talk about their issues using WebView for their game. We’ve changed the request to UIWebView as iOS 13 no longer uses WebView.