Cocos Shares The Trend Of Hypercasual Games At Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong
2019.07.19 by COCOS

We were happy to talk as part of the hypercasual session at Pocket Gamer Connects in Hong Kong this week. The 2-day event brought many developers from China, Japan, Korea, and many of the southeast Asian countries to talk and share their research at the event.

We were delighted to see how many people were there interested in hypercasual games. We shared that we are a leading game engine that's helping developers build hypercasual games.

We were able to take a few pictures of Panda, our technical director, and the crew at the event.

Panda shared an excellent presentation about the use of hypercasual inside WeChat and the benefits it gives to developers, especially those using the Cocos Creator.

We're excited to meet all of you in Hong Kong and preparing to meet the rest of you at ChinaJoy in Shanghai next month. Hope to see you there.