Download Cocos Creator 2.3 here
After a long period of development and testing, Cocos Creator v2.3 has officially released. It is a significant version that officially integrates a few items on our wish list, as well as on some developer’s wish list from the feedback we’ve received. It is recommended that all developers upgrade!
In this version, we have a few tweaks that we couldn’t get in the last release and a few added features. Let’s take a look at some of them:
For the full developer notes, please view from our forum:
Improved performance especially in 3D features
We continue to build up the performance of the engine and are striving to keep our status as the #1 best open-source game engine in the world. In this update, we officially are supporting 3D physics, collisions, and 3D particles, providing the capability of developing more types of 3D games! Other support includes improvements in the material system, DragonBones, and spine binary resource format. Check the full notes for all the improvements.

Qutoutiao Mini Games Support

We have also added support for Qutoutiao Mini Games. Qutoutiao is a well-known Chinese app that shares the news of the day and is owned by many users in Asia. It uses big data algorithms and cloud computing to recommend and provide users with content and services.
They have advanced the app to include mini games, and we now provide support to export your games onto their service from this current version.